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29/04/2014 - How to choose the best diet for you: Getting to know yourself
Your best doctor is no one else but you. 
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride says: "There is no universal rule, and anyone who tries to prescribe us when we should fast when we should eat and should not be listened to. No scientist, no doctor in the world and no laboratory can tell you what you should do personally. The only authority that everyone should listen to is his own body, because Mother Nature has taken billions of years to draw it".
Our body knows exactly what is best for it, we only need to be able to listen to it. Every animal knows perfectly what to eat, for example cows instinctively eat medicinal herb when they are sick, without being told to do so. Why are we humans the only ones who don't know what is best for us? Why do we consume food that is harmful for us? What kind of factors stop us from listening to our body?
This article will be on the subject of the second principle of Living Fully Nourished method: how to get to know yourself in order to take your health into your own hands.